Hello RaidForums Community,
Today I have uploaded the Covid 19 Vaccination Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!
(Peduli Lindungi)
PeduliLindungi (roughly translated from Indonesian as "care to protect") is the official COVID-19 contact tracing app used for digital contact tracing in Indonesia. This application is developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), in partnership with Committee for COVID-19 Response and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (KemenBUMN), and Telkom Indonesia. This app was formerly known as TraceTogether but later changed because Singapore had its app using the same name
File Information
Compressed................... 48 GB
Uncompressed................. 157 GB
Total........................ 3,250,144,777
Raid date.................. JUNE, 2023
Format....................... CSV
Compromised data............. Name, Email, NIK (National ID CARD Number), Phone Number, DOB, Device ID, COVID-19 STATUS, Checkin History, Contact Tracing History, Vaccination etc
Country...................... Indonesia
File sharing................. Raidforum
Some of the data is carried, only partially carried