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⭐️ Brazilian retailer company | + 10K data info ⭐️


Second Lieutenant
Oct 21, 2024
Reaction score
Nordestao company nordestao.com.br
$ (BR) 1.864.467.412 / Year in 2023
Data: Name, Document (cpf/cnpj) Born date, Address, id, Password (md5/base64/fernet), Apikey, Technical informations (Password other systems like GPS and point system), Pdv code, Nfe, Exchange historic and logs of system, DB credentials
Selling by: US 5K (contact telegram @cyodotobr) (additional for remote access)

-- PostgreSQL database dump

CREATE TABLE sch_dim.dim_cliente (
    id_cliente integer NOT NULL,
    cpf_cliente bigint,
    data_nascimento date,
    sexo character(1),
    endereco text,
    cep text,
    bairro text,
    cidade text,
    estado text,
    nome_cliente text,
    cadastro_vip smallint,
    data_cadastro_vip date

ALTER TABLE sch_dim.dim_cliente OWNER TO "GIC";

-- Name: dim_cliente_id_cliente_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: sch_dim; Owner: GIC

CREATE SEQUENCE sch_dim.dim_cliente_id_cliente_seq
    AS integer
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE sch_dim.dim_cliente_id_cliente_seq OWNER TO "GIC";

-- Name: dim_cliente id_cliente; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: sch_dim; Owner: GIC

ALTER TABLE ONLY sch_dim.dim_cliente ALTER COLUMN id_cliente SET DEFAULT nextval('sch_dim.dim_cliente_id_cliente_seq'::regclass);

-- Data for Name: dim_cliente; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: sch_dim; Owner: GIC

COPY sch_dim.dim_cliente (id_cliente, cpf_cliente, data_nascimento, sexo, endereco, cep, bairro, cidade, estado, nome_cliente, cadastro_vip, data_cadastro_vip) FROM stdin;
664780    948476494    1982-09-22    N    Rua Arapiraca    59086-210    Neópolis    Natal    RN    Carolina Dantas gadelha saraiva    1    2023-09-01
625398    947879480    1980-03-13    F    0    0    0    0    0    Leice Catarina De Lima Souza Gomes    1    \N
683912    156125110    1983-04-02    N    Rua Francisco Antônio Cruz    59056-460    Nova Descoberta    Natal    RN    Thiago Ribeiro    1    2024-09-18
664782    1028128452    1980-11-30    F    Travessa Tamirim    59073-294    Planalto    Natal    RN    Silvana Morais    1    2023-09-01
620724    1714568407    1995-03-11    M    Avenida Hermes da Fonseca    59020-315    Tirol    Natal    RN    Rennan Oliveira    1    2021-08-29
625399    1048056414    1982-09-27    N    Rua Dona Maria Câmara    59082-430    Capim Macio    Natal    RN    Guilherme Silva Campos    1    2021-12-08

CREATE TABLE sch_processos.usuarios_adap (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    username text NOT NULL,
    matricula integer,
    password text NOT NULL,
    email text,
    is_authenticated boolean,
    is_active boolean,
    image text,
    usertype integer

ALTER TABLE sch_processos.usuarios_adap OWNER TO "GIC";
-- Data for Name: usuarios_adap; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: sch_processos; Owner: GIC

COPY sch_processos.usuarios_adap (id, username, matricula, password, email, is_authenticated, is_active, image, usertype) FROM stdin;
6    sergio    \N    gAAAAABkZQrVuP36HlhbP0LwxIHxlZeWSMph7i2aDTQMdK0fGU2YkzP4HN3WaztyR63l4_acbeXOS8l-OwLr7rwHxNqyi73Efw==    \N    t    t    \N    2
1    gleydson    \N    gAAAAABltRFSYOXXEH7Qqu00W74P7uIU-6vXw_seApyWzSa7EY4tjgzQfVMhuTaSs1U0zK_NOw7wKjGlTwr3gFB-p1zhSUVmNw==    [email protected]    t    t    r2d2    1
16    yan.gomes    \N    gAAAAABlrnTTEqX46xo35ugu4H_Qfo4fmDkXzbfyHeyTZxsEjogrJbDJhpbSDbeDUpCWN6UuEkBv0mwkd5_jk_vM0n1YZ6W15g==    [email protected]    t    f    no-picture-man    2

CREATE TABLE sch_financeiro.tbl_credito_unificado (
    data timestamp without time zone,
    observacao text,
    data_balancete timestamp without time zone,
    agencia_origem bigint,
    lote bigint,
    numero_documento bigint,
    codigo_historico bigint,
    historico text,
    montante_depositado text,
    status_credito_debito text,
    doc_cliente bigint,
    cod_cliente double precision

ALTER TABLE sch_financeiro.tbl_credito_unificado OWNER TO "GIC";

-- Data for Name: tbl_credito_unificado; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: sch_financeiro; Owner: GIC

COPY sch_financeiro.tbl_credito_unificado (data, observacao, data_balancete, agencia_origem, lote, numero_documento, codigo_historico, historico, montante_depositado, status_credito_debito, doc_cliente, cod_cliente) FROM stdin;
2024-06-19 00:00:00         2024-06-19 00:00:00    614    11366    13793570000128    830    Depósito Online              3.877,80     C    13793570000128    60003756
2024-06-19 00:00:00         2024-06-19 00:00:00    614    11366    13793570000128    830    Depósito Online              16.199,40     C    13793570000128    60003756
2024-06-19 00:00:00         2024-06-19 00:00:00    0    14175    33077254    976    TED-Crédito em Conta         6.074,72     C    14380200000121    60017128
2024-06-19 00:00:00         2024-06-19 00:00:00    0    14175    33078236    976    TED-Crédito em Conta         11.047,38     C    14380200000121    60017128
2024-06-19 00:00:00         2024-06-19 00:00:00    0    14175    33103321    976    TE
Last edited:
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